Sushant Singh Rajput

Sushant Singh Rajput Suicide: My Perspective | Money? Check. Fame? Check. Power? Check. Fans? Check – everything that a normal person would dream of, and even run after throughout their entire life. But here’s a reality check. Satisfaction? No. Mental Peace? No. Calmness? No. Happiness? No – some crucial things which we tend to forget in our daily life. Why? We will get there soon.

Here’s what happened:

It was a Sunday afternoon, and things seemed to be pretty much cool. Then suddenly, the messages started flowing on WhatsApp, Instagram, and Twitter that Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput is no more. The news channels then started showing the same news everywhere too, adding that he had committed suicide, and was living a troubled life in the last 6 months.

So, what happened in the last few months of Sushant Singh’s life, that a hugely popular actor like him had to end his life? Yes, there was lockdown for the last 3 months or more, and the business part of his life might have been disturbed. But then, his upcoming movie Dil Bechara was lined up for 2020 release. Given the stature that he has, money matters wouldn’t have motivated such a ghastly step. Also read: RRRA Diaries: My Memoirs With Shaquille O’Neal; The Beginning

If not in professional life, it would surely have been some personal life matters that made him commit suicide. The news report says that he was battling depression. Some reports indicate that he wasn’t himself in the last 6 months. What could have gone wrong for the Bollywood star? Well, we all know the reasons. But we choose to not talk about it. Why? Self-esteem? Peer pressure? Societal issues?


It’s easy to cry over spilt milk, rather than trying to ensure it doesn’t spill in the first place. Sushant Singh Rajput’s demise has seen a swarm of tributes pour for him on social media, be it Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. From B-Town biggies to the common public, everybody is talking about mental health and its importance. But how many of us are actually speaking about our mental health, peace, or calm?

It has become a trend to deride someone who talks about his/her feelings saying that you are only trying to grab attention, and you are a perpetual attention-seeker. A child/student who is giving a public speech for the first time is made fun for few mistakes. Having fun is all okay, but what damage are you doing to their confidence? Shouldn’t there be a fine line between fun, joke, and insult?

Till when will we brush these instances of insult, discouragement, trolling etc. under the garb of ‘having fun’. On one hand, we all want our friends to come out and talk about their feeling, insecurities, happiness, scars, etc., while on the other, blogs, social media posts, vlogs etc. are trolled and rebuked with brash comments. Giving an honest opinion is a side of a coin, but maintaining dignity and respect is another side of the coin too.

We really do not know how much of an invisible wall we have built around us in our lifetime. There are instances where people in distress and trying times do try to reach others for help, but do not ask for it thinking ‘log kya kahenge’, or ‘what if they make fun of it?’. The end result is always the same – a seed of negativity is planted in that person. Over the years, it is watered with resentment, insecurity, (false) failure, lack of trust, and other factors. The ending – we all know – is always sad and unfortunate.

Is Money everything?

Money is another big factor that plays on the mind of people these days. Instant fame and gaining followers seem to be the ‘real cash’ for millennials. The hunger to succeed is so much so that we have lost ourselves so much back, that it would take a lot of time to even think of coming back. And we haven’t even started to talk about ‘Tiktok’ or similar platforms. NO, the video-sharing platform is not to be blamed (unless it is data security concerns), but us – the people – who should be blamed for the nuisance that it has brought in the young minds. This hunger of ‘instant and overnight fame’ has made the young ones restless, and they don’t even realise how deep they are standing in the pit.

How much money is the right amount of money? The answer is, there is no such figure. If you are earning 5 lakhs, you’d be aiming to earn 7, 10, or even 15 lakhs the next year. If you are a salaried person, you would obviously think of a bigger and better package. Note this, ‘there is no harm in aspiring for more money, or say, any amount of money you dream of earning’. But then, in pursuit of making money – what do we first sacrifice? Is your answer Satisfaction? Security? Mental peace? Quality time with friends and family?

‘At what cost do we want to earn more money?’ is what we should ask ourselves. Are you only doing it because you want to make big bucks? Well, necessities are exceptions, but we all know what’s the essence behind this. You will never be satisfied with the paycheck in your hand, no matter how fat it is, unless you are satisfied with the work you are doing and the people you are working with. In no way, it means to not work in high-paying jobs or aspire for one. That is different. The question here is, are you happy doing what you are doing? If money is your satisfaction, you need to take a long look in the mirror.

Do not run for the money. Never. Yes, you should aspire to earn any amount, but you should also build a strong foundation of the love of your friends and family around it. So, when the time comes where you need someone for support, you would see a sea of hands ready to stop you from falling.

Mental peace and satisfaction are two very important factors in our life, which we all know that they are, but then you can answer yourself for that, honestly. One good thing that Coronavirus has taught is the value of a relationship – the one that you have with your family, friends, and your special ones.

It didn’t matter much when you could not step out of your house and go to a mall, or an adventure park or any-damn-where. What matters is how much can you handle your close contacts in the time of distress. It showed us how many friends do we actually have, when they had all the time in the world to call you, but chose not to (knowingly or unknowingly). Quick read: From Family To Friends; Timely Help Saved A Life Fighting Against Cancer!

What we should do?

The unfortunate and untimely demise of Sushant Singh Rajput is another ‘harsh’ reminder to all of us, to sort our priorities, and soon. Yes, money, fame, fans, power etc. are the driving factors in the journey, but are they your destination? Do you really want to reach a point in life where the amount of money in your pocket decides the status of your life? Again, money does (and/or doesn’t) matter. But it will always tell you, how successful you are, and not how peaceful or happy you are.

It is time that we reboot ourselves and strive for a stable life. A life where both adventurism and security have an equal place. An existence where money and peace are on an equal pedestal. A life where your chores at home met with the same sense of responsibility as your boss’ orders. A life where sleeping ‘peaceful and happy’ is the new normal. The money will come (or maybe less), but you would want to live your life to spend your hard-earned money, right? Also read: For a Happy Life, I Dream

It’s sad to see someone as cool and bright as Sushant Singh Rajput ending his life in this manner. It is heart-breaking to witness the actor commit suicide, who once said ‘suicide is not the solution’. It brings back the fresh memories of his last released movie ‘Chhichhore’, where he said ‘we have lost ourselves so much in dangling between success-failure and win/loss in our daily lives, that we have lost the real meaning of living our life’.

If one thing that the unfortunate and untimely deaths of Rishi Kapoor, Irrfan Khan, and now Sushant Singh teaches us is – money, fame, and power should not be your ultimate destination, but satisfaction, respect, and peace should be.

…and remember “it is not your result that decides if you are a loser or not; it is your ‘will’ that decides.

Rest in peace, Sushant Singh Rajput. You will be dearly missed.


1.. There’s no intention of driving mileage by harping on someone’s unfortunate death. We apologise, in case, it hurt your sentiments.

2. The above post mentions suicide based on news reports.

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